eddymaue Canada Membre Simple # 0000000075 enregistré le 26/10/2004 Maue Eddy j8j 8j8 Gatineau de la société Formatek Fiche personnelle
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Contributions > 01 - PRG : Programmation
# 0000000956
ajouté le 03/09/2018 18:08:40 et modifié le 22/04/2019
consulté 17809 fois
Version(s) Foxpro : VFP 9.0 VFP 8.0 VFP 7.0 VFP 6.0 VFP 5.0
Description |
C'est exactement comme Inputbox mais avec quelques nuances
InputBox |
EmInputBox |
titre |
oui |
oui |
retour clavier |
oui |
oui |
Escape |
oui |
oui |
valeur de retour |
oui |
oui |
condition(réeussite) |
à gérer par la valeur de retour |
succes = .t. 4ime paramêtre |
zone de texte |
textbox |
editbox |
curseur |
zone sélectionné |
fin du texte |
redimensionnable |
non |
oui |
voilà c tout
bon développement a tous
Code source : |
Set Debug On success = .T. lRetVal = EmInputBox("Exemple : MaVariable = 5","Local as string",'ls' ,@success ) Wait Window lRetVal llsuccess = success Wait Window "success = "+Transform(success)
* /¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ EmInputBox
* / Eddy Maue a+ -- Créer le : 2018-09-03
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Wait Window EmInputBox("Exemple : MaVariable = 5","Local as string",'ls' , @success)
Procedure EmInputBox Lparameters tcTitre,tcCaption, tcDefaultValue , success
Private gcRetVal,glSuccess m.gcRetVal = "" glSuccess = success
Local loFrm As Form loFrm = Createobject("clssEMInputBox",tcTitre,tcCaption, tcDefaultValue) loFrm.Show(1)
success= glSuccess Return gcRetVal Endproc && EmInputBox
*-- Auteur : Eddy Maue
*-- Form: form1 (c:\vfp\dev\test_EmInputBox.scx)
*-- ParentClass: form
*-- BaseClass: form
*-- Time Stamp: 09/02/18 06:36:02 PM
Define Class clssEMInputBox As Form
AutoCenter= .T. WindowType= 1 && modal Top = -1 Left = 0 Height = 108 Width = 289 DoCreate = .T. Caption = "EmInputBox : cDialogCaption" cTitre = "" cCaption = "" cRetvalue = "" Name = "Form1" success = .T.
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Add Object lblPromptInput As Label With ; AutoSize = .T., ; Caption = "cInputPrompt ", ; Height = 17, ; Left = 5, ; Top = 12, ; Width = 78, ; Name = "lblPromptInput "
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Add Object btnAccept As CommandButton With ; Top = 72, ; Left = 107, ; Height = 27, ; Width = 84, ; Anchor = 12, ; Caption = "Accepter", ; Default = .T., ; Name = "btnAccept"
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Add Object btnAnnuler As CommandButton With ; Top = 72, ; Left = 197, ; Height = 27, ; Width = 84, ; Anchor = 12, ; Cancel = .T., ; Caption = "Annuler", ; Name = "btnAnnuler"
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Add Object edit1 As EditBox With ; Anchor = 15, ; Height = 24, ; Left = 5, ; ScrollBars = 0, ; Top = 36, ; Width = 276, ; Name = "Edit1"
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Procedure ccaption_assign Lparameters tcCaption
Store m.tcCaption To This.cCaption, This.Caption Endproc
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Procedure ctitre_assign Lparameters tcTitre This.cTitre = tcTitre This.label1.Caption = tcTitre Endproc
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Procedure mAccept Thisform.cRetvalue = Thisform.edit1.Text Thisform.Release() Endproc
Procedure Release m.gcRetVal = This.cRetvalue m.glSuccess = This.success Endproc
Procedure Unload Endproc
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Procedure Init Lparameters tcTitre,tcCaption, tcDefaultValue
Local lsDefault As String lsDefault = Transform(m.tcDefaultValue)
If Vartype(m.tcCaption)=="C" And Not Empty(m.tcCaption) This.Caption = m.tcCaption Endif
If Vartype(m.tcTitre)=="C" And Not Empty(m.tcTitre) This.lblPromptInput.Caption = m.tcTitre Endif
If Vartype(m.lsDefault)=="C" And Not Empty(m.lsDefault) This.edit1.Value = m.lsDefault Endif
This.edit1.SetFocus() This.edit1.SelStart = 3000 Endproc
Procedure mAnnuler()
Procedure btnAccept.Click Thisform.mAccept() Endproc
Procedure btnAnnuler.Click() Thisform.mAnnuler() Endproc
Procedure QueryUnload() This.success = .F. Thisform.cRetvalue = "" Thisform.Release Endproc
Enddefine *
*-- EndDefine: form1
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