*Begin code
If !_vfp.StartMode=0 On Shutdown Quit Endi
Set Safe Off *create ypreview.ico in temp folder
local myvar text to m.myvar noshow 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 endtext
Strtofile(Strconv(m.myvar,16),Addbs(Sys(2023))+"ypreview.ico") Set Safe On
Publi yform yform=Newobject("yedhtml_tb_class") yform.Show Read Events Retu *
Define Class yedhtml_tb_class As Form Height = 554 Width = 1001 ShowWindow = 2 ShowTips = .T. AutoCenter = .T. Caption = "yHtml Editor" Icon = Home(1)+"Graphics\Icons\Misc\misc15.ico" BackColor = Rgb(86,167,205) yinner = "" yfilename = "" otoolbar = .F. Name = "Form1"
Add Object obrowser As OleControl With ; oleclass="shell.explorer.2",; Top = 6, ; Left = 9, ; Height = 140, ; Width = 980, ; Anchor = 15, ; Name = "oBrowser"
Procedure Destroy If ! (Thisform.yinner== Thisform.obrowser.Document.getElementbyId("oDiv").innerHTML)
If Messagebox("the selection have changed. Do you want to save ?",4+64,"saving... ?")=6 Thisform.otoolbar.command15.Click() DoEvent Endi Endi
Declare Integer Sleep In Kernel32 Integer For i=1 To 20 Thisform.Height=Thisform.Height-2*i
If Thisform.Height<=40 Exit Endi Sleep(5) Endfor Clea Events Endproc
Procedure Load Publi m.yrep m.yrep=Addbs(Sys(2023)) &&temp folder Set Safe Off Set Textmerge On To (m.yrep+"yhtml_editor.html") Noshow TEXT <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>HTML Editor</TITLE>
<SCRIPT> window.onload=doInit function doInit(){ // Ensure that all document elements except the content editable DIV are unselectable. for (i=0; i<document.all.length; i++) document.all(i).unselectable = "on"; oDiv.unselectable = "off"; // Clear any text in the Document window and set the focus. oDiv.innerHTML=""; oDiv.focus(); } </SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY STYLE="overflow:hidden; margin:0px" oncontextmenu="return false;" scroll="yes"> <DIV ID="oContainer" STYLE="background-color:threedface; border:1px solid #cccccc position:relative; height:100%; top:0;"> <DIV ID="oDiv" CONTENTEDITABLE STYLE="height:100%;background-color:white; overflow:auto; width:100%;"> </DIV> </DIV> </BODY> </HTML> ENDTEXT
Set Textmerge To Set Safe On Endproc
Procedure Activate If Type("thisform.oToolbar")="O" And !Isnull(Thisform.otoolbar) Return Endif
*Set Classlib To ytoolbar Additive
Thisform.otoolbar=Create("ytoolbar",Thisform) With Thisform.otoolbar .Dock(0) .Show Endwith *Release Classlib ytoolbar
Procedure obrowser.Init This.Navigate(yrep+"yhtml_editor.html") Endproc
*Class ytoolbar
DEFINE CLASS ytoolbar AS toolbar Caption = "Toolbar1" Height = 31 Left = 41 Movable = .F. Top = 2 Width = 1105 BackColor = RGB(179,209,242) ShowWindow = 1 oformref = .F. Name = "ytoolbar"
ADD OBJECT separator9 AS separator WITH ; Top = 3, ; Left = 5, ; Height = 0, ; Width = 0, ; Name = "Separator9"
ADD OBJECT command25 AS commandbutton WITH ; Top = 3, ; Left = 5, ; Height = 24, ; Width = 22, ; Picture = (home()+"graphics\bitmaps\tlbr_w95\new.bmp"), ; Caption = "", ; MousePointer = 15, ; ToolTipText = "New", ; Name = "Command25"
ADD OBJECT command11 AS commandbutton WITH ; Top = 3, ; Left = 26, ; Height = 24, ; Width = 22, ; Picture = (home(1)+"graphics\bitmaps\offctlbr\small\color\open.bmp"), ; Caption = "", ; MousePointer = 15, ; ToolTipText = "Open", ; Name = "Command11"
ADD OBJECT command1 AS commandbutton WITH ; Top = 3, ; Left = 47, ; Height = 24, ; Width = 22, ; Picture = (home(1)+"graphics\bitmaps\tlbr_w95\paste.bmp"), ; Caption = "", ; MousePointer = 15, ; ToolTipText = "Paste", ; Name = "Command1"
ADD OBJECT command2 AS commandbutton WITH ; Top = 3, ; Left = 68, ; Height = 24, ; Width = 22, ; Picture = (home(1)+"graphics\bitmaps\tlbr_w95\cut.bmp"), ; Caption = "", ; MousePointer = 15, ; ToolTipText = "Cut", ; Name = "Command2"
ADD OBJECT command3 AS commandbutton WITH ; Top = 3, ; Left = 89, ; Height = 24, ; Width = 22, ; Picture = (home(1)+"graphics\bitmaps\tlbr_w95\copy.bmp"), ; Caption = "", ; MousePointer = 15, ; ToolTipText = "Copy", ; Name = "Command3"
ADD OBJECT command4 AS commandbutton WITH ; Top = 3, ; Left = 110, ; Height = 24, ; Width = 22, ; Picture = (home(1)+"graphics\bitmaps\tlbr_w95\lft.bmp"), ; Caption = "", ; MousePointer = 15, ; ToolTipText = "Left align", ; Name = "Command4"
ADD OBJECT command5 AS commandbutton WITH ; Top = 3, ; Left = 131, ; Height = 24, ; Width = 22, ; Picture = (home(1)+"graphics\bitmaps\tlbr_w95\cnt.bmp"), ; Caption = "", ; MousePointer = 15, ; ToolTipText = "Align center", ; Name = "Command5"
ADD OBJECT command8 AS commandbutton WITH ; Top = 3, ; Left = 152, ; Height = 24, ; Width = 22, ; Picture = (home(1)+"graphics\bitmaps\tlbr_w95\rt.bmp"), ; Caption = "", ; MousePointer = 15, ; ToolTipText = "Right Align", ; Name = "Command8"
ADD OBJECT command6 AS commandbutton WITH ; Top = 3, ; Left = 173, ; Height = 24, ; Width = 22, ; Picture = (home(1)+"graphics\bitmaps\tlbr_w95\bld.bmp"), ; Caption = "", ; MousePointer = 15, ; ToolTipText = "Bold", ; Name = "Command6"
ADD OBJECT command7 AS commandbutton WITH ; Top = 3, ; Left = 194, ; Height = 24, ; Width = 22, ; Picture = (home(1)+"graphics\bitmaps\tlbr_w95\itl.bmp"), ; Caption = "", ; MousePointer = 15, ; ToolTipText = "Italic", ; Name = "Command7"
ADD OBJECT command9 AS commandbutton WITH ; Top = 3, ; Left = 215, ; Height = 24, ; Width = 22, ; Picture = (home(1)+"graphics\bitmaps\tlbr_w95\undrln.bmp"), ; Caption = "", ; MousePointer = 15, ; ToolTipText = "Underline", ; Name = "Command9"
ADD OBJECT command16 AS commandbutton WITH ; Top = 3, ; Left = 236, ; Height = 24, ; Width = 22, ; Picture = (home(1)+"graphics\bitmaps\tlbr_w95\undo.bmp"), ; Caption = "", ; MousePointer = 15, ; ToolTipText = "Undo", ; Name = "Command16"
ADD OBJECT command35 AS commandbutton WITH ; Top = 3, ; Left = 257, ; Height = 24, ; Width = 22, ; Picture = (home(1)+"graphics\bitmaps\tlbr_w95\redo.bmp"), ; Caption = "", ; MousePointer = 15, ; ToolTipText = "Redo", ; Name = "Command35"
ADD OBJECT command21 AS commandbutton WITH ; Top = 3, ; Left = 278, ; Height = 24, ; Width = 22, ; Picture = (home(1)+"graphics\bitmaps\tlbr_w95\delete.bmp"), ; Caption = "", ; MousePointer = 15, ; ToolTipText = "Delete selection", ; Name = "Command21"
ADD OBJECT command27 AS commandbutton WITH ; Top = 3, ; Left = 299, ; Height = 24, ; Width = 22, ; Picture = (home(1)+"graphics\bitmaps\tlbr_w95\wordundr.bmp"), ; Caption = "", ; MousePointer = 15, ; ToolTipText = "Fonts", ; Name = "Command27"
ADD OBJECT command10 AS commandbutton WITH ; Top = 3, ; Left = 320, ; Height = 24, ; Width = 22, ; Picture = "forecolor.gif", ; Caption = "", ; MousePointer = 15, ; ToolTipText = "Forecolor", ; Name = "Command10"
ADD OBJECT command30 AS commandbutton WITH ; Top = 3, ; Left = 341, ; Height = 24, ; Width = 22, ; Picture = "backcolor.gif", ; Caption = "", ; MousePointer = 15, ; ToolTipText = "BackColor", ; PicturePosition = 14, ; Name = "Command30"
ADD OBJECT command37 AS commandbutton WITH ; Top = 3, ; Left = 362, ; Height = 22, ; Width = 23, ; Picture = (home(1)+"graphics\bitmaps\tlbr_w95\find.bmp"), ; Caption = "", ; MousePointer = 15, ; ToolTipText = "Search", ; Name = "Command37"
ADD OBJECT command28 AS commandbutton WITH ; Top = 3, ; Left = 384, ; Height = 22, ; Width = 23, ; FontSize = 8, ; Picture = "", ; Caption = "Ind", ; MousePointer = 15, ; BackColor = RGB(255,255,0), ; Name = "Command28"
ADD OBJECT command34 AS commandbutton WITH ; Top = 3, ; Left = 406, ; Height = 22, ; Width = 23, ; FontSize = 8, ; Picture = "images\unindent.bmp", ; Caption = "Uid", ; MousePointer = 15, ; BackColor = RGB(255,255,0), ; Name = "Command34"
ADD OBJECT separator8 AS separator WITH ; Top = 3, ; Left = 436, ; Height = 0, ; Width = 0, ; Name = "Separator8"
ADD OBJECT command12 AS commandbutton WITH ; Top = 3, ; Left = 436, ; Height = 24, ; Width = 21, ; Picture = (home(1)+"Graphics\Bitmaps\Outline\Nomask\bmp.bmp"), ; Caption = "", ; MousePointer = 15, ; ToolTipText = "Insert img", ; Name = "Command12"
ADD OBJECT command33 AS commandbutton WITH ; Top = 3, ; Left = 456, ; Height = 24, ; Width = 22, ; Picture = (home(1)+"graphics\bitmaps\tlbr_w95\VW-DTLS.bmp"), ; Caption = "", ; MousePointer = 15, ; ToolTipText = "Insert table", ; Name = "Command33"
ADD OBJECT command38 AS commandbutton WITH ; Top = 3, ; Left = 477, ; Height = 22, ; Width = 23, ; Picture = (home(1)+"graphics\bitmaps\tlbr_w95\mapnet.bmp"), ; Caption = "", ; ToolTipText = "Insert flash object", ; Name = "Command38"
ADD OBJECT command39 AS commandbutton WITH ; Top = 3, ; Left = 499, ; Height = 22, ; Width = 23, ; Picture = (home(1)+"Gallery\Graphics\video.ico"), ; Caption = "", ; ToolTipText = "Insert video", ; Name = "Command39"
ADD OBJECT command13 AS commandbutton WITH ; Top = 3, ; Left = 521, ; Height = 24, ; Width = 23, ; Picture = (home(1)+"graphics\bitmaps\tlbr_w95\print.bmp"), ; Caption = "", ; MousePointer = 15, ; ToolTipText = "Print", ; Name = "Command13"
ADD OBJECT command14 AS commandbutton WITH ; Top = 3, ; Left = 543, ; Height = 24, ; Width = 28, ; Picture = "d:\microsoft visual foxpro 9\graphics\bitmaps\tlbr_w95\rt.bmp", ; Caption = "H-Z", ; MousePointer = 15, ; ToolTipText = "Flip doc", ; Name = "Command14"
ADD OBJECT command17 AS commandbutton WITH ; Top = 3, ; Left = 570, ; Height = 24, ; Width = 34, ; Picture = "d:\microsoft visual foxpro 9\graphics\bitmaps\tlbr_w95\copy.bmp", ; Caption = "Slct", ; MousePointer = 15, ; ToolTipText = "Select all", ; Name = "Command17"
ADD OBJECT command22 AS commandbutton WITH ; Top = 3, ; Left = 603, ; Height = 24, ; Width = 34, ; Picture = "d:\microsoft visual foxpro 9\graphics\bitmaps\tlbr_w95\copy.bmp", ; Caption = "uSlct", ; MousePointer = 15, ; ToolTipText = "unSelect", ; Name = "Command22"
ADD OBJECT command19 AS commandbutton WITH ; Top = 3, ; Left = 636, ; Height = 24, ; Width = 25, ; Picture = (home(1)+"Graphics\Bitmaps\Tlbr_w95\group.bmp"), ; Caption = "", ; MousePointer = 15, ; ToolTipText = "Orederl List", ; Name = "Command19"
ADD OBJECT command20 AS commandbutton WITH ; Top = 3, ; Left = 660, ; Height = 24, ; Width = 25, ; Picture = (home(1)+"Graphics\Bitmaps\Tlbr_w95\ungroup.bmp"), ; Caption = "", ; MousePointer = 15, ; ToolTipText = "UnOrdered List", ; Name = "Command20"
ADD OBJECT command23 AS commandbutton WITH ; Top = 3, ; Left = 684, ; Height = 24, ; Width = 21, ; Picture = (home(1)+"Graphics\Bitmaps\Tlbr_w95\mcr.bmp"), ; Caption = "", ; MousePointer = 15, ; ToolTipText = "Insert link", ; Name = "Command23"
ADD OBJECT command24 AS commandbutton WITH ; Top = 3, ; Left = 704, ; Height = 24, ; Width = 21, ; Picture = (home(1)+"Graphics\Bitmaps\Tlbr_w95\front.bmp"), ; Caption = "", ; MousePointer = 15, ; ToolTipText = "Un Insert link", ; Name = "Command24"
ADD OBJECT command26 AS commandbutton WITH ; Top = 3, ; Left = 724, ; Height = 24, ; Width = 22, ; Picture = (home(1)+"Graphics\Bitmaps\Tlbr_w95\line.bmp"), ; Caption = "", ; MousePointer = 15, ; ToolTipText = "Insert Line", ; Name = "Command26"
ADD OBJECT combo1 AS combobox WITH ; Height = 25, ; Left = 745, ; MousePointer = 15, ; ToolTipText = "Fontsize (pts)", ; Top = 3, ; Width = 36, ; Name = "Combo1"
ADD OBJECT command31 AS commandbutton WITH ; Top = 3, ; Left = 780, ; Height = 24, ; Width = 22, ; Picture = "images\ui_superscript.gif", ; Caption = "Sps", ; MousePointer = 15, ; ToolTipText = "Superscript", ; BackColor = RGB(255,128,0), ; Name = "Command31"
ADD OBJECT command32 AS commandbutton WITH ; Top = 3, ; Left = 801, ; Height = 24, ; Width = 22, ; Picture = "images\ui_subscript.gif", ; Caption = "Sbs", ; MousePointer = 15, ; ToolTipText = "Subscript", ; BackColor = RGB(255,128,0), ; Name = "Command32"
ADD OBJECT command41 AS commandbutton WITH ; Top = 3, ; Left = 822, ; Height = 24, ; Width = 21, ; Picture = (home(1)+"Graphics\Bitmaps\Tlbr_w95\WORDUNDR.bmp"), ; Caption = "", ; MousePointer = 15, ; ToolTipText = "Insert a text as marquee", ; PicturePosition = 13, ; Name = "Command41"
ADD OBJECT command42 AS commandbutton WITH ; Top = 3, ; Left = 842, ; Height = 24, ; Width = 21, ; Picture = (home(1)+"Graphics\Bitmaps\Offctlbr\Small\Color\preview.bmp"), ; Caption = "", ; MousePointer = 15, ; ToolTipText = "Preview in navigator", ; Name = "Command42"
ADD OBJECT command40 AS commandbutton WITH ; Top = 3, ; Left = 862, ; Height = 24, ; Width = 21, ; Picture = (home(1)+"Graphics\Bitmaps\Offctlbr\Small\Color\paint.bmp"), ; Caption = "", ; MousePointer = 15, ; ToolTipText = "Clear all objects", ; Name = "Command40"
ADD OBJECT command18 AS commandbutton WITH ; Top = 3, ; Left = 882, ; Height = 22, ; Width = 23, ; Picture = (home(1)+"graphics\bitmaps\tlbr_w95\camera.bmp"), ; Caption = "", ; MousePointer = 15, ; ToolTipText = "Copy code to clipboard", ; Name = "Command18"
ADD OBJECT command15 AS commandbutton WITH ; Top = 3, ; Left = 904, ; Height = 24, ; Width = 22, ; Picture = (home(1)+"graphics\bitmaps\tlbr_w95\save.bmp"), ; Caption = "", ; MousePointer = 15, ; ToolTipText = "Save", ; Name = "Command15"
ADD OBJECT command36 AS commandbutton WITH ; Top = 3, ; Left = 925, ; Height = 24, ; Width = 21, ; Caption = "Sk", ; MousePointer = 15, ; ToolTipText = "Form Skin", ; BackColor = RGB(0,255,0), ; Name = "Command36"
ADD OBJECT command43 AS commandbutton WITH ; Top = 3, ; Left = 945, ; Height = 24, ; Width = 21, ; Picture = (home(1)+"Graphics\Bitmaps\Tlbr_w95\Prop.bmp"), ; Caption = "", ; MousePointer = 15, ; ToolTipText = "preview any codes prg,txt,mpr,..", ; Name = "Command43"
ADD OBJECT command29 AS commandbutton WITH ; Top = 3, ; Left = 965, ; Height = 24, ; Width = 22, ; FontBold = .T., ; FontSize = 12, ; Caption = "?", ; MousePointer = 15, ; ToolTipText = "About", ; ForeColor = RGB(255,0,0), ; BackColor = RGB(131,235,165), ; Name = "Command29"
ADD OBJECT separator10 AS separator WITH ; Top = 3, ; Left = 994, ; Height = 0, ; Width = 0, ; Name = "Separator10"
ADD OBJECT shape1 AS shape WITH ; Top = 3, ; Left = 994, ; Height = 24, ; Width = 106, ; BackStyle = 0, ; BorderStyle = 0, ; Name = "Shape1"
PROCEDURE BeforeDock LPARAMETERS nLocation if nLocation=0 dodefault() else nodefault endi ENDPROC
PROCEDURE Init #DEFINE ERR_NOFORMPARM_LOC "You must pass a form reference to create this toolbar." PARAMETER oForm
THIS.oFormRef = oForm *this.setall("backcolor",rgb(0,255,0),"commandbutton")
_screen.activeform.backcolor=rgb(160,167,252) this.backcolor=_screen.activeform.backcolor
publi loComDialog loComDialog = createobject("mscomdlg.commondialog") loComDialog.Filter = "All Files (*.*)|*.*|Html Files(*.html)|*.html|Htm Files (*.htm)|*.htm" loComDialog.MaxFileSize=140 set safe off ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command25.Click if !_screen.activeform.obrowser.document.getElementbyID("oDiv").innerhtml=="" =_screen.activeform.obrowser.document.execCommand('SaveAs',.t.) &&,getfile('htm|html')) &&save in option or cancel endi
_screen.activeform.obrowser.document.getElementbyID("oDiv").innerhtml="" _screen.activeform.obrowser.document.getElementbyID("oDiv").focus() _screen.activeform.yinner= _screen.activeform.obrowser.document.getElementbyId("oDiv").innerHTML _screen.activeform.yfilename="" return ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command25.Init with this .picture=home()+"graphics\bitmaps\tlbr_w95\new.bmp" endwith ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command11.Click loComDialog.ShowOpen() *MESSAGEBOX(loComDialog.FileName) &&
if empty(loComDialog.FileName) return .f. endi set safe off with _screen.activeform .obrowser.document.getElementbyId("oDiv").innerHTML=filetostr(loComDialog.filename) .obrowser.document.getElementbyId("oDiv").focus() .yinner= _screen.activeform.obrowser.document.getElementbyId("oDiv").innerHTML .yfilename=loComDialog.filename endwith retu
PROCEDURE command11.Init with this .picture=home(1)+"graphics\bitmaps\offctlbr\small\color\open.bmp" endwith ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command1.Click _screen.activeform.obrowser.document.execCommand("paste") ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command1.Init with this .picture=home(1)+"graphics\bitmaps\tlbr_w95\paste.bmp" endwith ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command2.Click _screen.activeform.obrowser.document.execCommand("cut") ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command2.Init with this .picture=home(1)+"graphics\bitmaps\tlbr_w95\cut.bmp" endwith ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command3.Click _screen.activeform.obrowser.document.execCommand("copy") ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command3.Init with this .picture=home(1)+"graphics\bitmaps\tlbr_w95\copy.bmp"
endwith ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command4.Click _screen.activeform.obrowser.document.execCommand("justifyleft") ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command4.Init with this .picture=home(1)+"graphics\bitmaps\tlbr_w95\lft.bmp"
endwith ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command5.Click
_screen.activeform.obrowser.document.execCommand("JustifyCenter") ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command5.Init with this .picture=home(1)+"graphics\bitmaps\tlbr_w95\cnt.bmp" endwith ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command8.Click _screen.activeform.obrowser.document.execCommand("justifyRight") ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command8.Init with this .picture=home(1)+"graphics\bitmaps\tlbr_w95\rt.bmp" endwith ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command6.Click
_screen.activeform.obrowser.document.execCommand("bold") ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command6.Init with this .picture=home(1)+"graphics\bitmaps\tlbr_w95\bld.bmp" endwith ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command7.Click _screen.activeform.obrowser.document.execCommand("italic") ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command7.Init with this .picture=home(1)+"graphics\bitmaps\tlbr_w95\itl.bmp" endwith ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command9.Click _screen.activeform.obrowser.document.execCommand("underline") ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command9.Init with this .picture=home(1)+"graphics\bitmaps\tlbr_w95\undrln.bmp" endwith ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command16.Click _screen.activeform.obrowser.document.execCommand("undo") ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command16.Init with this .picture=home(1)+"graphics\bitmaps\tlbr_w95\undo.bmp" endwith ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command35.Init with this .picture=home(1)+"graphics\bitmaps\tlbr_w95\redo.bmp" endwith ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command35.Click _screen.activeform.obrowser.document.execCommand("redo") ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command21.Click _screen.activeform.obrowser.document.execCommand("delete") ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command21.Init with this .picture=home(1)+"graphics\bitmaps\tlbr_w95\delete.bmp" endwith ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command27.Click local xfont,xfontname,xfontsize,xfontstyle xfont=getfont("Arial",12) if not empty(xfont) xfontname=getwordnum(xfont,1,",") xfontsize=getwordnum(xfont,2,",") xfontsize=int(val(getwordnum(xfont,2,","))) && Required. Integer or String that specifies the font size. This must be a value between 1 and 7, inclusive. xfontStyle=getwordnum(xfont,3,",") _screen.activeform.obrowser.document.execCommand("FontName",.f., xfontname)
local xpoint as integer do case case xfontsize<=9 xpoint=1 case between(xfontsize,10,11) xpoint=2 case between(xfontsize,12,18) xpoint=3 case between(xfontsize,19,23) xpoint=4 case between(xfontsize,24,31) &&29 xpoint=5 case between(xfontsize,32,45) xpoint=6 case xfontsize>=46 xpoint=7 endcase _screen.activeform.obrowser.document.execCommand("FontSize",.f., m.xPOINT) &&attention fontsize converted ~ to points ( 1 to 7) if "B" $ xfontstyle _screen.activeform.obrowser.document.execCommand("Bold",.t.) endi if "I" $ xfontstyle _screen.activeform.obrowser.document.execCommand("Italic",.t.) endi _screen.activeform.obrowser.document.getElementbyID("oDiv").focus() endi ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command27.Init with this .picture=home(1)+"graphics\bitmaps\tlbr_w95\wordundr.bmp" endwith ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command10.Click * Changeforecolor of the selected text
local xforecolor xforecolor=getcolor() if xforecolor#-1 _screen.activeform.obrowser.document.execCommand("Forecolor",.f.,m.xforecolor) endi _screen.activeform.obrowser.document.getElementbyId("oDiv").focus() ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command10.Init *This is an ex. how to create image gif with encoded text
PROCEDURE command30.Click * Change Background of the selected text
local xbackcolor xbackcolor=getcolor() if xbackcolor#-1 _screen.activeform.obrowser.document.execCommand("Backcolor",.f.,m.xbackcolor) endi _screen.activeform.obrowser.document.getElementbyId("oDiv").focus() ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command30.Init text to m.myvar noshow 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 endtext set safe off =strtofile(strconv(m.myvar,14),"Backcolor.gif") with this .picture="backcolor.gif" endwith ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command37.Init with this .picture=home(1)+"graphics\bitmaps\tlbr_w95\find.bmp" endwith ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command37.Click
PROCEDURE command28.Click _screen.activeform.obrowser.document.execCommand("indent") ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command28.Init with this .picture="images\indent.bmp" &&(to replace not created) endwith ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command34.Click _screen.activeform.obrowser.document.execCommand("outdent") ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command34.Init with this .picture="images\Unindent.bmp" &&to replace (not created) endwith ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command12.Click _screen.activeform.obrowser.document.execCommand("InsertImage",.t.) ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command12.Init with this .picture=home(1)+"Graphics\Bitmaps\Outline\Nomask\bmp.bmp" endwith ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command33.Click Local ze,ee Local Rows,cols,Table,tr,td,tbody rowstext = Inputbox("enter rows()","","2") colstext = Inputbox("enter cols()","","2") Rows = Val(rowstext) cols = Val(colstext)
If Rows<=0 Or cols<=0 Return .F. Endi
ze=_Screen.ActiveForm.obrowser.Document Table = ze.createElement("table") Table.setAttribute("border", "1") Table.setAttribute("cellpadding", "2") Table.setAttribute("cellspacing", "2")
tbody = ze.createElement("tbody") For i=1 To Rows tr =ze.createElement("tr") For j=1 To cols td =ze.createElement("td") * br =ze .createElement("br")
* td.appendChild(br)
tr.appendChild(td) Endfor tbody.appendChild(tr) Endfor tbody.appendChild(tr) Table.appendChild(tbody)
ee=_Screen.ActiveForm.obrowser.Document.getElementbyId("oDiv") ee.appendChild(Table) retu ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command33.Init with this .picture=home(1)+"graphics\bitmaps\tlbr_w95\VW-DTLS.bmp" endwith ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command38.Init with this .picture=home(1)+"graphics\bitmaps\tlbr_w95\mapnet.bmp" endwith ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command38.Click local yswf yswf=getfile('swf') if empty(m.yswf) return .f. endi yswf="file:///"+m.yswf
text to myvar textmerge noshow <object width='240' height='200' > <param name='movie' value='<<yswf>> </param> <param name='allowFullScreen' Value='true'></param> <param name='allowscriptaccess' value='always'></param> <embed src='<<yswf>>' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' allowscriptaccess='always' allowfullscreen='true' width='240' height='200'></embed> </object> endtext
local ze,ole ze=_Screen.ActiveForm.obrowser.Document ole = ze.createElement("olecontrol") ole.innerhtml=m.myvar ee=ze.getElementbyId("oDiv") ee.appendChild(ole) ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command39.Click local yvideo yvideo=getfile('avi;mpg;wmv;mp4') if empty(m.yvideo) return .f. endi yvideo="file:///"+m.yvideo
text to m.myvar textmerge noshow <p> <object classid="clsid:6BF52A52-394A-11D3-B153-00C04F79FAA6" id="WindowsMediaPlayer1" width="245" height="240"> <param name="URL" value=" <<yvideo>> "> <param name="rate" value="1"> <param name="balance" value="0"> <param name="currentPosition" value="0"> <param name="defaultFrame" value> <param name="playCount" value="1"> <param name="autoStart" value="false"> <param name="currentMarker" value="0"> <param name="invokeURLs" value="-1"> <param name="baseURL" value> <param name="volume" value="50"> <param name="mute" value="0"> <param name="uiMode" value="full"> <param name="stretchToFit" value="0"> <param name="windowlessVideo" value="0"> <param name="enabled" value="-1"> <param name="enableContextMenu" value="-1"> <param name="fullScreen" value="0"> <param name="SAMIStyle" value> <param name="SAMILang" value> <param name="SAMIFilename" value> <param name="captioningID" value> <param name="enableErrorDialogs" value="0"> <param name="_cx" value="6482"> <param name="_cy" value="6350"> </object> </p> endtext
local ze,ole ze=_Screen.ActiveForm.obrowser.Document ole = ze.createElement("olecontrol") ole.innerhtml=m.myvar
ee=ze.getElementbyId("oDiv") ee.appendChild(ole) retu ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command39.Init with this .picture=home(1)+"Graphics\Icons\Misc\camera.ico" endwith ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command13.Click _screen.activeform.oBrowser.document.execCommand("Print",.t.) ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command13.Init with this .picture=home(1)+"graphics\bitmaps\tlbr_w95\print.bmp" endwith ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command14.Click *toggle vertical - horzontal mode
*the writingMode property to toggle the alignment of the editable region
*from vertical alignment to horizontal alignment.
try if _screen.activeform.obrowser.document.getElementbyId("oDiv").style.writingmode=='tb-rl' _screen.activeform.obrowser.document.getElementbyId("oDiv").style.writingMode = 'lr-tb' else _screen.activeform.obrowser.document.getElementbyId("oDiv").style.writingMode = 'tb-rl' endi catch endtry retu ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command17.Click _screen.activeform.obrowser.document.execCommand("SelectAll") ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command22.Click _screen.activeform.obrowser.document.execCommand("UnSelect") ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command19.Init with this .picture=home(1)+"Graphics\Bitmaps\Tlbr_w95\group.bmp" endwith ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command19.Click _screen.activeform.obrowser.document.execCommand("InsertOrderedList") _screen.activeform.obrowser.document.GETElementbyID("oDiv").focus() ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command20.Init with this .picture=home(1)+"Graphics\Bitmaps\Tlbr_w95\ungroup.bmp" endwith ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command20.Click _screen.activeform.obrowser.document.execCommand("InsertUnOrderedList") _screen.activeform.obrowser.document.GETElementbyID("oDiv").focus() ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command23.Click _screen.activeform.obrowser.document.execCommand("createlink") ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command23.Init with this .picture=home(1)+"Graphics\Bitmaps\Tlbr_w95\mcr.bmp" endwith ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command24.Click _screen.activeform.obrowser.document.execCommand("Unlink") ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command24.Init with this .picture=home(1)+"Graphics\Bitmaps\Tlbr_w95\front.bmp" endwith ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command26.Init with this .picture=home(1)+"Graphics\Bitmaps\Tlbr_w95\line.bmp" endwith ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command26.Click _screen.activeform.obrowser.document.execCommand("InsertHorizontalRule") ENDPROC
PROCEDURE combo1.Init WITH THIS for i=1 to 7 .ADDITEM(trans(i)) endfor .listindex=2 .value=2 .style=2 endwith ENDPROC
PROCEDURE combo1.Click _screen.activeform.obrowser.document.execCommand("FontSize",.f., this.value) _screen.activeform.obrowser.document.getElementbyID("oDiv").focus() ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command31.Click _screen.activeform.obrowser.document.execCommand("SuperScript") ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command31.Init with this .picture="images\ui_superscript.gif" endwith ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command32.Click _screen.activeform.obrowser.document.execCommand("SubScript") ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command32.Init with this .picture="images\ui_subscript.gif" endwith ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command41.Click _screen.activeform.obrowser.document.execCommand("InsertMarquee") ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command41.Init with this .picture=home(1)+"Graphics\Bitmaps\Tlbr_w95\WORDUNDR.bmp" endwith ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command42.Init with this .picture=home(1)+"Graphics\Bitmaps\Offctlbr\Small\Color\preview.bmp" endwith ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command42.Click Local lcfilename lcfilename=Addbs(Sys(2023))+"tmp.hta" Set Safe Off TEXT to m.myvar noshow <html> <head> <title>This is a preview of yhtml_editor</title> <HTA:APPLICATION ID="yPreview" APPLICATIONNAME="This is a preview of yHtml_editor" SCROLL="auto" icon="ypreview.ico" SINGLEINSTANCE="yes" BORDER="thin" BORDERSTYLE="normal" CONTEXTMENU="no" CAPTION="yes" SHOWINTASKBAR="no" SYSMENU="yes" WINDOWSTATE="normal" align="center" >
</head> <body > <<_screen.activeform.obrowser.document.getElementbyId("oDiv").innerHTML>> </body> </html> ENDTEXT
Strtofile(m.myvar,m.lcfilename) _Screen.ActiveForm.obrowser.Document.getElementbyId("oDiv").focus() Set Safe On
*local o
Declare Integer ShellExecute In SHELL32.Dll Integer nWinHandle,; STRING cOperation,; STRING cFileName,; STRING cParameters,; STRING cDirectory,; INTEGER nShowWindow
ShellExecute(0, "open", m.lcfilename,"","",1) ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command40.Click if messagebox("This action clear all object from the canvas. confirm to do ?",4+64,"Clear canvas")=6 _screen.activeform.obrowser.document.execCommand("Refresh") endi ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command40.Init with this .picture=home(1)+"Graphics\Bitmaps\Offctlbr\Small\Color\paint.bmp" endwith ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command18.Click _cliptext=_screen.activeform.obrowser.document.getElementbyId("oDiv").innerhtml messagebox("Html code is copied to the clipboard!",0+32+4096,"Copy code") ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command18.Init with this .picture=home(1)+"graphics\bitmaps\tlbr_w95\camera.bmp" endwith ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command15.Click &&sauve loComDialog.ShowSave() if empty(loComDialog.FileName) return .f. endi if empty(justext(loComDialog.FileName)) loComDialog.FileName=allt(loComDialog.FileName)+".html" endi set safe off strtofile(_screen.activeform.obrowser.document.getElementbyId("oDiv").innerHTML,loComDialog.FileName) _cliptext = _screen.activeform.obrowser.document.getElementbyId("oDiv").innerHTML _screen.activeform.obrowser.document.getElementbyId("oDiv").focus() set safe on retu
PROCEDURE command15.Init with this .picture=home(1)+"graphics\bitmaps\tlbr_w95\save.bmp" endwith ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command36.Init with this .picture="images\vista-116.ico" endwith ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command36.Click local xcolor xcolor=getcolor() try _screen.activeform.backcolor=m.xcolor this.parent.backcolor=xcolor catch endtry ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command43.Click set memowidth to 8192 local lcfilename lcfilename=getfile("prg|txt|mpr") if empty(m.lcfilename) return .f. endi local ystr,x,cr cr=chr(13)+chr(10) ystr=filetostr(m.lcfilename) x="" for i=1 to memlines(ystr) x=x+[<tr><td bgcolor="#C0C0C0"><font color="#800080"><span style="background-color:#C0C0C0">]+trans(i,"999999")+[</span></font></td><td> <font color="#0000FF">]+mline(ystr,i)+[</font></td></tr>]+cr endfor
local myvar text to m.myvar textmerge noshow <html> <head> <title>preview code of : <<m.lcfilename>> --(<<memlines(m.ystr)>> lines). </title> <HTA:APPLICATION ID="ycodes" APPLICATIONNAME="ycode_preview" SCROLL="auto" icon="images/zoom.png" SINGLEINSTANCE="yes" BORDER="thin" BORDERSTYLE="normal" CONTEXTMENU="no" CAPTION="yes" SHOWINTASKBAR="no" SYSMENU="yes" WINDOWSTATE="normal" > </head> <body> <div align="left"> <table border="0"> <<x>> </table> </div> </body> </html> endtext
set safe off &&(scope) put this once in config.fpw and cut all in code local lcdest lcdest=addbs(sys(2023))+"hilight.hta" strtofile(m.myvar,m.lcdest) set safe on
Declare Integer ShellExecute In SHELL32.Dll Integer nWinHandle,; STRING cOperation,; STRING cFileName,; STRING cParameters,; STRING cDirectory,; INTEGER nShowWindow
ShellExecute(0, "open", m.lcDest,"","",1) ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command43.Init with this .picture=home(1)+"Graphics\Bitmaps\Tlbr_w95\Prop.bmp" &&"images/zoom.png" endwith ENDPROC
PROCEDURE command29.Click local myvar text to myvar noshow this is a Wysiwyg html editor drived by automation from visual foxpro. (what you see is what you get). It use the vfp browser (Internet Explorer).(remember to Apply IE11 emulation for another uses). it encapsulates all rich text modalities and can open,modify and save a document as a web page. All functionalities are in the toolbar.(Can be extended to other functions). I made images from whose shipped with vfp.Originally i have better ones. I suggest you do the same thing.
Apply any toolbar action to the document selection.
To clean all the page issue F5 (warning : clear all objects on the page) -make a proj, add config.fpw and raise an exe as application.
*!*--Author Yousfi Benameur El Bayadh Algeria
*!*--Time stamp vendredi 23 septembre 2011; 14:06:23
*!*--Subject :Visual foxpro Html editor
*!*--Version Vfp9Sp2 texted on windows xp sp3 - win8.1
endtext messagebox(m.myvar,0+32+4096,"About") ENDPROC
PROCEDURE shape1.Click with this .width=sysmetric(1)/2 .backcolor=this.parent.backcolor endwith ENDPROC
*End code